Since the first publication of AMIM in 1984, cataloging staff had acquired a substantial body of experience using these rules, and numerous major developments in the moving image field had occurred.  These and other factors convinced staff at the Library of Congress and members of the Cataloging and Documentation Committee of the Association of Moving Image Archivists (AMIA) that a second edition of AMIM was needed.

In late 1997, the Library of Congress AMIM Revision Committee was formed and commenced its work by incorporating local rule interpretations and other cataloging documentation into the rules.  The committee soon realized that a thorough review of all of the rules was necessary.  The Library of Congress requested that AMIA’s Cataloging and Documentation Committee provide expert contributions.  In late 1998, a draft was completed and comments were solicited from national and international archival and library organizations.  The AMIM Revision Committee studied the responses and adapted several recommended modifications into the new edition.  In the summer of 2000, the second edition of AMIM was completed.

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