The MARC 21 Format for Community Information is designed to be a carrier for community information.  Community information records describe non-bibliographic resources that fulfill the information needs of a community.

Kinds of Community Information records:

MARC community information records are distinguished from all other types of MARC records by the presence of code q (Community information) in Leader/06 (Type of record).  The MARC 21 Format for Community Information further identifies five kinds of community information records in Leader/07 (Kind of data):

Individual - A community information record in which the data pertain to an individual with a particular expertise (e.g., teacher, interpreter, storyteller, civic leader).

Organization - A community information record in which the data pertain to an organization or any group (e.g., corporation, association, club, agency).

Program or service - A community information record in which the data pertain to an offering or activity of a group or institution which carries out the purposes of that group or institution (e.g., driver education, day care placement, toy collection drive, blood bank).

Event - A community information record in which the data pertain to a scheduled happening (e.g., a lecture, play, concert series, sporting contest, festival, annual celebration, regularly scheduled meeting).

Other - A community information record in which the data pertain to a kind of Community Information not mentioned above. For example, the data may be for a facility, such as a planetarium on a university campus.

See also:

Community Information Format:  Introduction