Character position definition and scope:

A one-character alphabetic code indicates whether the classification record contains data from a schedule, table, or an index.  The classification scheme is identified in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition).  A schedule or table record contains a number in the field 153 (Classification Number).

An index term only record contains field 154 (General Explanatory Index Term) and does not contain field 153, because the index term cannot be attached to a record for a classification number or span.

Guidelines for applying content designators:




Schedule record


Table record


Index term record

Related MARC fields or documents:

084  Classification Scheme and Edition

X53  Classification Numbers - General Information

154  General Explanatory Index Term

753  Index Term - Uncontrolled

For information on other 008 character positions, see:

008  Fixed-Length Data Elements

See also:

Variable Control Fields