a. One publisher:

If the publisher has headquarters in more than one city and the cities are given on the same source, select the first city as the place of publication (AACR2 1.4C5). Record a subsequently named city when it is given typographical prominence or when it is in the home country of the cataloging agency and the first place is not. Example:

If more than one place is given in the serial in relation to different activities, select the place in which the serial is published rather than the place in which it is printed or distributed (if this can be determined). Prefer a place given with a formal publishing statement rather than a place given in the imprint position on the title page or in an address, such as a subscription address. If no place is given explicitly as the place of publication, select the place of the editorial office rather than the place given with the subscription address or advertising office. If there is no place given with publishing information, record the place from any source in the piece (e.g., a letter of transmittal).

b. Two or more publishers or distributors

If two or more publishers/distributors are to be recorded in the publishing statement, record in a separate statement the place of publication for each followed by the name of the corresponding publisher/ distributor (AACR2 1.4C5). If all publishers/distributors are located in the same city, record the place once. Example:

See also:

10.3. Place of publication