Depending on the type, an index may be noted in the bibliographic record, cataloged separately or noted only on the check-in record.

a. Indexes to single volumes or years of a serial:

When an index is issued with each volume or year by the same publisher, in general, no not mention in the bibliographic record. For exceptions, see LCRI 12.7B17.

b. Cumulative indexes (AACR2 12.7B17):

Indexes that cover more than one volume or year and are pubilshed by the same publisher are noted in field 555, Cumulative index note. The cumulative index is noted whether it is publihsed with an issue of the serial or is published separately. The index may be bound with the serial and still be given in the note.

1) Form of the note:

Cumulative index notes may be formal or informal.

(a). Formal notes:

A formal note beginning with the term "Indexes:" is generated by field 555 in OCLC records and the term is not separately input. The formal note includes the beginning and ending designation of the issues as found on the item. The note also may include the location of the index when applicable (e.g., in v. 32). Example:

When the term "Indexes" alone is not sufficient, the type of the index is given. If there are separate author and subject indexes, given them in separate notes. Example:

(b). Informal notes:

An information note is given when specific volumes or years are not to be cited. Example:

2) Serial title changes within an index volume:

If the title of the serial changes in the middle of a volume and both titles are covered in a single volume of the cumulative index, add the 555 note to the records for the earlier and later title and give the complete citation on both. Do not try to split the note. This is one of the few situations in which a note will cover more than one bibliographic record. Example:

c. Index to a serial that is issued by a different publisher:

Catalog separately as a serial or as a monograph (1), an index that is published by a different publisher. Give the title of the work being indexed as a subject heading, but not as an added entry (LCRI 21.28B). Example:

Both of these indexes cover a single serial. They are cataloged separately because the publisher in each case is different from that of the serial that is indexed.

d. Index to more than one work:

Indexes that cover a particular topic and index many different publications are cataloged as separate serials or monographs, as appropriate. No special treatment is needed. Example:

See also:

17.5. Indexes