a. Sources:

When a corporate body’s name is given in more than one form on the same piece, apply AACR2 24.2A-D. Give the form found on the chief source rather than the form found on other sources, even when the form found elsewhere is more distinctive or complete (LCRI 24.2B). If both forms are found on the chief source, use the name presented formally (AACR2 24.2D). For example, prefer the form presented as a statement of responsibility or publishing statement as opposed to the form found in a logo. If none or all of the forms are presented formally, use the predominant form of name. This may be determined by examination how the name has been used throughout the piece, in other pieces or works, or in the database. If this doesn’t work, choose a brief form rather than a full form.

Selecting the heading from variant forms

Use form found on chief source

Use form presented formally

Use predominant form

Use brief form but if this is an initialism, use the full form (LCRI 24.2D)

b. Initialism (or acronym) vs. full form:

Often the variant consist of an initialism of the body and the full form of the name. Since several corporate bodies may give the same initialism, it is preferable to use the full form when possible. Thus, while the initialism would be used according to AACR2 24.2D, the full form is used according to the LCRI, provided that both appear in the same source. If only the initialism appears on the chief source or another prominent location and the full form is given elsewhere, use the initialism, provided that it has not been used as a heading or a cross reference for another corporate body in the Name Authority File. For further instructions, see LCRI 24.2D. Example:

See also:

18.4. Variant forms of the name