Every AACR2 serial record must indicate which issue the description is based on, whether it be the first or the earliest available. With the exception of unnumbered series, this is done in terms of numbering. (In the case of unnumbered series, it is accomplished by citing the analytic title or name and title.)

When the first issue is in hand, give the numbering in field 362 0; when the first issue is not in hand, give the numbering of the earliest issue consulted in a "Description based on" note (field 500).

When the last issue is in hand, give its numbering to close field 362 0; when the last issue is not in hand, but information about it is known, give the information as a note (field 362 1).

When more than one issue is in hand at the time of initial cataloging, or when making subsequent changes to the record based on later issues, add or update an existing "Latest issue consulted" note.

The numbering may consist of a number, a date, or both but at least one must uniquely identify the issue.

Numbering may be taken from any source in the resource without the use of brackets.

The numerical and chronological designations may be taken from different sources.

The chronological designation may be pieced together from different sources, as may the numerical designation when it is clear that both parts consititute the numeric designation.

In general, transcribe the designation as it appears on the piece but apply AACR2 guidelines for capitalization, abbreviations, and roman numerals. Punctuation is more flexible with the 2002 revision.

Give alternative designations only when they appear on the same source with the primary designation.

When numbering goes back to "1", treat as a successive designation and give the new numbering in field 362 (when first issue with that numbering is in hand).

When numbering is added, dropped, or changed but does not go back to "1", treat as a change in numbering (i.e., note may be given in field 515).

See also:

Module 8. Numbering (Fields 362, 500)