
First indicator - Type of personal name entry element

0  Forename

1  Surname

3  Family name  [Pre-AACR2]

Second indicator:

#  Undefined

Subfield codes:

a  Personal name (NR)

b  Numeration (NR)

c  Titles and words associated with a name (R)

d  Dates associated with a name (NR)

e  Relator term (R)

f  Date of a work (NR)  [Pre-AACR2]

g  Miscellaneous information (R)  [LAC use only]

h  Medium (NR)  [Obsolete]

j   Attribution qualifier (R)

k  Form subheading (R)  [Pre-AACR2]

l   Language of a work (NR)  [Pre-AACR2]

n  Number of part/section of a work (R)  [Pre-AACR2]

p  Name of part/section of a work (R)  [Pre-AACR2]

q  Fuller form of name (NR)

s  Version (NR)  [Obsolete]

t   Title of a work (NR)  [Pre-AACR2]

u  Affiliation (NR)  [Not used]

0  Authority record control number or standard number (R)

4  Relator code (R)

6  Linkage (NR)

8  Field link and sequence number (R)

NOTE:  See MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data (100 Main Entry - Personal Name) for code definitions not given below.


Field 100 contains personal names used as main entries.  Words, phrases, initials or symbols used by an author to conceal his identity are considered to be personal names.

The use of personal name main entry for serials is greatly restricted under AACR2 and thus, this field is infrequently used.

First indicator - Type of personal name entry element

The first indicator describes the form of the name.  For detailed instructions and additional examples see Headings - General Information.

0    Forename.

100 0# Norodom Sihanouk, $c Prince, $d 1922-

1    Surname.

100 1# VanCleemput, W.M. $q (William Madga), $d 1945-

100 1# Rousseau-Darnell, Lyse.


For serials, the most commonly used subfields, in input order, are:  $a, $q, $d.  For a description and examples of other subfields defined for this field see Headings - General Information.

$a  Personal name.

100 1# Williams, Martha E.

100 1# St. John, Edward P.

$q  Fuller form of name.

100 1# Gresham, G.A. $q (Geoffrey Austin)

100 1# Huggins, Kenneth $q (Kenneth Royce), $d 1949-

$d  Dates associated with a name.

100 1# Crosby, Everett Uberto, $d 1871-1960.

100 1# Kim, In-sik, $d fl. 1972-

Related fields, etc.

Headings - General Information, 600, 700, 800

100 Main Entry - Personal Name  (MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data)

See also:

1XX  Main Entry Fields

Variable Data Fields

Section E.  MARC 21 Format for Serials as Applied Within CONSER

CONSER Editing Guide:  Contents