
First indicator - Type of corporate name entry element

0  Inverted name  [Pre-AACR2]

1  Jurisdiction name

2  Name in direct order

Second indicator:

#  Undefined

Subfield codes:

a  Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element (NR)

b  Subordinate unit (R)

c  Location of meeting (R)

d  Date of meeting or treaty signing (R)

e  Relator term (R)

f   Date of work (NR)  [Pre-AACR2]

g  Miscellaneous information (R)  [Pre-AACR2]

h  Medium (NR)  [Obsolete]

k  Form subheading (R)

l   Language of a work (NR)  [Pre-AACR2]

n  Number of part/section/meeting (R)

p  Name of part/section of work (R)  [Pre-AACR2]

s  Version (R)  [Obsolete]

t   Title of a work (NR)  [Pre-AACR2]

u  Affiliation (NR)  [Not used]

0  Authority record control number or standard number (R)

4  Relator code (R)

6  Linkage (NR)

8  Field link and sequence number (R)

NOTE:  See MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data (110 Main Entry - Corporate Name) for code definitions not given below.


Field 110 contains a corporate body heading used as main entry.  A corporate body is defined as any organization or group of persons that is identified by a name and that acts as an entity.  Included in this definition are:  associations, institutions, business firms, governments and their agencies, ships, churches, and programs.  Conferences that are entered subordinate to a corporate body are also recorded in field 110.

First indicator - Type of corporate name entry element

The first indicator signals the type of corporate body name heading.  Value "1" is used when the corporate body is a place or a place followed by a name.  Value "2" is used with all other names.


For serials, the most commonly used subfields, in input order, are:  $a, $b.  For a description of other subfields defined for this field see Headings - General Information.

$a  Corporate name or jurisdiction name as entry element.

Input the first unit of the name in subfield $a.  Qualifiers that are given in parentheses following a corporate name that are not part of the name are included in subfield $a.

110 1# Birmingham (Ala.)

110 2# Bell and Howell.

110 2# Friedrich Witte (Firm)

110 2# Scientific Society of San Antonio (1892-1894)

110 1# Berlin (Germany)

$b  Subordinate unit.

110 1# United States. $b Congress.

110 2# American Medical Association. $b Meeting.

110 1# Minnesota. $b Dept. of Natural Resources. $b Hydroelectric Power Division.

Related fields, etc.

Headings - General Information, 111, 610, 710, 810

110 Main Entry - Corporate Name  (MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data)

See also:

1XX  Main Entry Fields

Variable Data Fields

Section E.  MARC 21 Format for Serials as Applied Within CONSER

CONSER Editing Guide:  Contents