
First and Second indicators:

#  Undefined


c  Custody (R)


Field 911 was a local field used by LC for information about copies (known as "X-copies") not retained in LC collections.  Information for copies retained in LC's collection was given in field 901.

A separate 911 field was used for each X-copy.  When an X-copy has more than one custody (i.e., it was to be routed to several places), subfield $c is repeated within the field.

911 ## $c HSS SS

911 ## $c HSS REF

911 ## $c G&M $c SER

Related fields, etc.


See also:

9XX  Local Copy Information

Variable Data Fields

Section E.  MARC 21 Format for Serials as Applied Within CONSER

CONSER Editing Guide:  Contents