Attributes: 042 = lc, lcd, msc; 010 = unprefixed or non-CONSER prefixed, or sf prefixed; 050 = call no., WMLC shelf no., IN PROCESS, etc.; second indicator = value "0"

CONSER cataloger:

Select the record to be retained and make a printout of the record before any modifications are made.

Make all necessary changes to the retained record, including converting pre-AACR2 cataloging to AACR2 and transferring appropriate information from the records being reported for deletion. Do not change field 010 or field 042.

Add in field 936 on superseded record(s):


Send to LC:

a. the CON/SEP report form (note consultation with NSDP if appropriate)

b. a copy of the original retained record (i.e., before modification)

c. a surrogate of the chief source for the issue upon which the description of the retained record is based.

LC cataloger:

Review the modified record and surrogate.

If consolidation is considered appropriate, transfer necessary data elements from the list in C8.2.6. and take the necessary steps to delete the superseded records from the LC and OCLC databases, as well as from LC internal files such as SERLOC, the serial record, and the shelf list.

If consolidation is considered not appropriate, return the request to the CONSER Participant with instruction that the records be returned to their original state.

See also:

C8.2. Record Consolidation