ÍÀkutskaíà A.S.S.R. (Russia)

USE  Sakha (Russia)

Iberian Peninsula

[Coded [ei] (Iberian Peninsula) before Mar. 1988]

Assigned codes:

[e-po]  Portugal

[e-sp]  Spain

Iceland  [e-ic]  Authorities & Vocabularies

Idaho  [n-us-id]  Authorities & Vocabularies


[Coded [f-if] (Ifni) before Mar. 1988]

Assigned code:

[f-mr]  Morocco

Îles Comores

USE  Comoros

Îles Froides

USE  Prince Edward Islands

Îles Kerguélen

USE  Kerguelen Islands

Îles Marquises de Mendoça (French Polynesia)

USE  Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia)

Îles Saint-Pierre et Miquelon

USE  Saint Pierre and Miquelon

Illinois  [n-us-il]  Authorities & Vocabularies

India  [a-ii]  Authorities & Vocabularies

India, French

USE  French India

Indian Ocean  [i]  Authorities & Vocabularies

Indian Ocean Islands, French

USE  Terres australes et antarctiques françaises

Indian Ocean Territory, British

USE  British Indian Ocean Territory

Indian Territory

Assigned code:

[n-us-ok]  Oklahoma

Indiana  [n-us-in]  Authorities & Vocabularies

Indies, East

USE  East Indies

Indies, West

USE  West Indies

Indochina  [ai]  Authorities & Vocabularies

UF    French Indochina

Indonesia  [a-io]  Authorities & Vocabularies

UF    Dutch East Indies

Netherlands East Indies

Sunda Islands, Lesser (Indonesia and East Timor)

Industrialized countries

USE  Developed countries

Inner Mongolia (China)  [a-cc-im]  Authorities & Vocabularies

UF    Mongolia (Inner Mongolia)

Intercontinental areas (Eastern Hemisphere)  [m]  Authorities & Vocabularies

Intercontinental areas (Western Hemisphere)  [c]  Authorities & Vocabularies

Iowa  [n-us-ia]  Authorities & Vocabularies

Iran  [a-ir]  Authorities & Vocabularies

UF    Persia

Iraq  [a-iq]  Authorities & Vocabularies

Ireland  [e-ie]  Authorities & Vocabularies

UF    Eire

Ireland (Eire)

Irish Republic

Republic of Ireland

Ireland (Eire)

USE  Ireland

Ireland, Northern

USE  Northern Ireland

Irian Barat (Indonesia)

USE  Papua (Indonesia)

Irian Jaya (Indonesia)

USE  Papua (Indonesia)

Irish Republic

USE  Ireland

Irish Sea

Assigned code:

[ln]  North Atlantic Ocean

Isla de Pascua

USE  Easter Island

Islamic countries

Assigned codes:

[f]   Africa

[a]  Asia

Islamic Empire

Assigned codes:

[ff]      Africa, North

[aw]   Middle East

[e-sp]  Spain

Island Dependencies of Great Britain

USE  Great Britain Miscellaneous Island Dependencies

Island Dependencies of the United States in the Caribbean

USE  United States Miscellaneous Caribbean Islands

Island Dependencies of the United States in the Pacific

USE  United States Miscellaneous Pacific Islands

Islands of the Aegean

USE  Aegean Islands (Greece and Turkey)

Islands of the Atlantic

Assigned code:

[l]  Atlantic Ocean

Islands of the Indian Ocean

Assigned code:

[i]  Indian Ocean

Islands of the Mediterranean

Assigned code:

[mm]  Mediterranean Sea

Islands of the South China Sea

Assigned code:

[ao]  South China Sea

Islas Marquesas de Mendoza (French Polynesia)

USE  Marquesas Islands (French Polynesia)

Isle of Man  [e-im]  Authorities & Vocabularies

[Coded [e-uk-ui] (Great Britain Miscellaneous Island Dependencies) before April 2018]

UF    Calf of Man (Isle of Man)

Man, Isle of

Isle of Wight (England)

Assigned code:

[e-uk-en]  England

UF    Wight, Isle of

Israel  [a-is]  Authorities & Vocabularies

Italian East Africa

USE  Africa, Northeast

Italian Somaliland

USE  Somalia

Italy  [e-it]  Authorities & Vocabularies

Ivory Coast

USE  Côte d´Ivoire

See also:

Geographic Area Name Sequence