0B1.  Chief Source of Information

0B1.1.  For single items, treat as the chief source of information printed or manuscript text provided by the creator or creating body on or with the item.  When the text is not known to have been provided by the creator or creating body, use information from the following sources, in this order of preference:

a.   text on or with the item provided by sources other than the creator or creating body;

b.    reference sources, such as published descriptions, catalogues raisonnés, exhibit catalogs, auction catalogs, dealers' catalogs;

c.   any source, such as unpublished descriptions, including provenance and accession records, inventories, advertisements, personal information, etc.

0B1.2.  For collections, treat as the chief source the whole collection itself, relying first on textual information on the material and its containers, then accompanying textual material, such as finding aids, provenance and accession records, then the visual content of the material itself.

0B2.  Prescribed Sources of Information

The description is divided into areas, and each area is divided into a number of elements as outlined in the particular rules.  For each area of the description (see the listing below), certain sources of information are specially prescribed.


Prescribed Sources of Information

1.   Title and statement of responsibility

Chief source of information

2.  Publication, distribution, etc.

Chief source of information

3.   Physical description

Any source

4.   Series

Chief source of information

5.   Note(s)

Any source

Indicate data taken from outside the prescribed sources by enclosing it in square brackets ( [ ] ).  When these data are transcribed, make a note of the source.

See also:

0.  General Rules