This is an example of a reference and subdivision record.  The heading in the 1XX is not used as a 4XX in any established heading record.  The 1XX heading is an unestablished heading, but it may be used as a subject subdivision.  The 260 (Complex See Reference) field gives specific instructions on the use of the subdivision.  The 780 linking entry field provides information about the use of the 1XX heading as a subject subdivision.

LDR       * * * * *nz###22* * * * *n##4500

001       <control number>

003       <control number identifier>

005       19860328161425.8


010  ##  $aex#99037700#

040  ##  $a<organization code>$c<organization code>$f<subject heading/thesaurus conventions code>

150  ##  $aDisciples

260  ##  $isubdivision$aDisciples$iunder names of individual persons

780  #7  $xDisciples$2<source code>

See also:

Appendix B:  Full Record Examples
