The following documents the changes contained in the sixth update to the 1999 edition of MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.  Update No. 6 (October 2005) includes changes resulting from proposals that were considered by the MARC 21 community during 2005.

New content designators:


662  Subject Added Entry - Hierarchical Place Name


008/35-37 (Language):  code zxx (No linguistic content)


048  Number of Musical Instruments or Voices Code - 2nd indicator (Source of code):  values # (MARC 21 code) and 7 (Source specified in subfield $2)

Subfield codes

$2  Source of code in 048 (Number of Musical Instruments or Voices Code)

$e  Relator term in 630 (Subject Added Entry - Uniform Title)

$4  Relator code in 630 (Subject Added Entry - Uniform Title)

$4  Relator code in 650 (Subject Added Entry - Topical Term)

$e  Relator term in 651 (Subject Added Entry - Geographic Name)

$4  Relator code in 651 (Subject Added Entry - Geographic Name)

$e  Relator term in 654 (Subject Added Entry - Faceted Topical Term)

$4  Relator code in 654 (Subject Added Entry - Faceted Topical Term)

$f  City subsection in 752 (Added Entry - Hierarchical Place Name)

$g  Other nonjurisdictional geographic region and feature in 752 (Added Entry - Hierarchical Place Name)

$h  Extraterrestrial area in 752 (Added Entry - Hierarchical Place Name)

$2  Source of heading or term in 752 (Added Entry - Hierarchical Place Name)

Redefined content designators:


008/35-37 (Language):  code ### (No linguistic content information provided)

Changes in content designator names:

Subfield codes

$b  in 041 (Language code):  Language code for summary, or abstract/overprinted title or subtitles

$a  in 752 (Added Entry - Hierarchical Place Name):  Country or larger entity

$b  in 752 (Added Entry - Hierarchical Place Name):  State, province, territory First-order political jurisdiction

$c  in 752 (Added Entry - Hierarchical Place Name):  County, region, islands area Intermediate political jurisdiction

Changes in text descriptions:

010  Library of Congress Control Number

020  International Standard Book Number

See also:

Appendix G:  Format Change Lists
