034 Subfield   $d - Coordinates - westernmost longitude:

$e - Coordinates - easternmost longitude:

$f - Coordinates - northernmost latitude:

$g - Coordinates - southernmost latitude:

Subfields $d, $e, $f, and $g individually identify the four coordinates of the item.  Subfield $d represents the westernmost extent of the item; subfield $e, the easternmost extent; subfield $f, the northernmost extent; and subfield $g, the southernmost extent.  The abbreviations for the hemispheres are:  N = North, S = South, E = East, W = West.

These four subfields always appear together.  The coordinates may be recorded in the form hdddmmss (hemisphere-degrees-minutes-seconds), however, other forms are also allowed, such as decimal degrees.  The subelements are each right justified and the unused positions contain zeros.

Examples in degrees/minutes/seconds:  hdddmmss (hemisphere-degrees-minutes-seconds):

034  1#  $aa$b22000000$dW1800000$eE1800000$fN0840000$gS0700000

034  1#  $aa$b253440$dE0790000$eE0860000$fN0200000$gN0120000

[The above two examples illustrate records for flat maps or flat maps in atlases.]

Example in decimal degrees:  hddd.dddddd (hemisphere-degrees.decimal degrees):

034  1#  $aa$dE079.533265$eE086.216635$fS012.583377$gS020.419532

Example in decimal degrees:  +-ddd.dddddd (hemisphere[+/-]-degrees.decimal degrees) ("+" for N and E, "-" for S and W; the plus sign is optional):

034  1#  $aa$d+079.533265$e+086.216635$f-012.583377$g-020.419532

Example without the optional plus sign:

034  1#  $aa$d079.533265 $e086.216635$f-012.583377$g-020.419532

Example in decimal minutes:  hdddmm.mmmm (hemisphere-degrees-minutes.decimal minutes):

034  1#  $aa$dE07932.5332$eE08607.4478$fS01235.5421$gS02028.9704

Example in decimal seconds:  hdddmmss.sss (hemisphere-degrees-minutes-seconds.decimal seconds):

034  1#  $aa$dE0793235.575$eE0860727.350$fS0123536.895$gS0202858.125

If the coordinates are given in terms of a center point rather than outside limits, the longitude and latitude which form the central axis are recorded twice (in subfields $d and $e and in $f and $g, respectively.)


034  1#  $aa$b75000$dW0950500$eW0950500$fN0303000$gN0303000

034  1#  $aa$dW119.697222$eW119.697222$fN034.420833$gN034.420833

034  1#  $aa$d-119.697222$e-119.697222$f+034.420833$g+034.420833

034  1#  $aa$dW11941.833333$eW11941.833333$fN03425.250000$gN03425.250000

034  0#  $dW0735848$eW0735848$fN0404554$gN0404554

[Coordinates of Carnegie Hall, a concert venue depicted in an image.]

To return, select:

034  Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data