041 Subfield $a - Language code of text/sound track or separate title:

Subfield $a contains codes for languages associated with the item.  The language code in the first occurrence of subfield $a is also recorded in 008/35-37 (Language) unless 008/35-37 contains blanks (###) or the code "zxx" (No linguistic content).


008/35-37  eng

041  0#  $aeng$afre$ager

[Text is in English, French, and German.]

For works in multiple languages, the codes for the languages of the text are recorded in the order of their predominance in the text.  If no language is predominant, the codes are recorded in English alphabetical order.  If the catalog institution has chosen to code mul (Multiple languages) in 008/35-37, the code for the title (or the first title, if there are more than one) and the code mul are recorded.  Alternatively, any number of specific language codes may be recorded in repeating occurrences of subfield $a.


008/35-37  rus

041  0#  $arus$aeng

[Item is in Russian (the predominant language) and English.]

008/35-37  eng

041  0#  $aeng$afre$ager$ahun$apor$arus

008/35-37  cze

041  0#  $acze$aeng$ager

[Map with legend in Czech, English, and German.]

008/35-37  sgn

041  0#  $asgn$aeng

[Item contains representations of the alphabet in sign language with minimal English text on title page.]

008/35-37  mul

041  0#  $amul$arus

[Item is multilingual with no predominant language and the cataloging institution has chosen not to specify a language in field 008/35-37.  The title is in Russian.]

For continuing resources, when the language of the text changes over a period of time, codes for all languages are recorded.

For computer files, the language(s) associated with the data and/or user interface (e.g., screen displays) is recorded in subfield $a.

For musical works, the language(s) of the textual content is recorded in subfield $a only when the work is printed or manuscript music.  If the work is a sound recording, the language code(s) is recorded in subfield $d.

For moving image resources, subfield $a contains the code(s) of spoken or sung languages associated with the item, as well as sign language and any language code(s) of the languages of accompanying sound.  Code languages used to provide access to a resource in an alternative (accessible) mode as appropriate in either subfields $p, $q, or $r.

For projected still images such as filmstrips and slides, subfield $a contains the code(s) of languages associated with the item, as well as any language code(s) of the languages of accompanying printed script or accompanying sound.  For all other still images, including original or historical graphic material and opaque and non-opaque graphic material, and for three-dimensional artifacts, subfield $a contains the code(s) of languages associated with the material, i.e., captions or other text associated with the item or collection that are part of the chief source of information.


008/35-37  eng

041  0#  $aeng$afre$ager$aita

[Audiovisual item with sound track or separate titles in English, French, German, and Italian.]

008/35-37  eng

[no field 041]

[Sound track or separate titles in English only.]

When a work is a translation or includes a translation, the code for the language of the translation is recorded in subfield $a.  The code(s) for the language(s) of the original work are recorded in subfield $h.  The code(s) for the language(s) of intermediate translations are recorded in subfield $k.  If an item is the original with an accompanying translation, repetitive subfield $a contains the code(s) for the language(s) of the translation and the original(s).  The code(s) for the original is also recorded in subfield $h.


008/35-37  eng

041  1#  $aeng$hfre

[Text is in English, translated from French.]

008/35-37  eng

041  1#  $aeng$kger$hswe

[Text is an English translation of a German text which was originally published in Swedish.]

008/35-37  eng

041  1#  $aeng$agrc$hgrc

[Text in original Greek and in English translation.]

008/35-37  eng

041  1#  $aeng$hund

[Text is an English translation; the original language undetermined.]

008/35-37  fre

041  1#  $afre$hger$hrus

[Text is in French and contains three works, the first translated from German and two from Russian.]

008/35-37  eng

041  1#  $aeng$hmul

[Item is an anthology of Indic poems translated into English from multiple Indic languages.]

To return, select:

041  Language Code