The following change list was included as Appendix F of MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data, 2000 Edition.

This edition of the MARC 21 Format for Holdings Data supersedes the December 1989 base text and updates No. 1 (April 1991), No. 2 (July 1994), and No. 3 (October 1998) to the USMARC Format for Holdings Data as well as the November 1990 base text and Amendment No. 1 (January 1992) to the Canadian MARC Communication Format:  Holdings Data.  It includes changes resulting from proposals which were considered by the ALA ALCTS/LITA/RASD Machine-Readable Bibliographic Information Committee (MARBI) at its meetings from January 1999 through January 2000 and by the Canadian Committee on MARC (CCM) at its meetings from 1998 through January 2000.

New content designators:


007  Physical Description Fixed Field  (Tactile material)

007  Physical Description Fixed Field  (Computer file) - character positions 06-08 (Image bit depth), 09 (File formats), 10 (Quality assurance targets), 11 (Antecedent/source), 12 (Level of compression), and 13 (Reformatting quality)

040  Record Source

Subfield code

$2  Source of term in field 583 (Access Note)


Leader - character position 06 (Type of record):  code u (unknown)

Leader - character position 09 (Character coding scheme):  codes # (MARC-8) and a (UCS/Unicode)

Leader - character position 17 (Encoding level):  code u (unknown)

Deleted content designators:


023  Standard Film Number

Subfield code

$g  Uniform Resource Name in 856 (Electronic Location and Access)  [incorporated into 856 $u]

Change in content designator name:

Subfield code

$u  in 856 (Electronic Location and Access):  Uniform Resource Locator Identifier

Changes in repeatability:

Subfield codes

$k  Call number prefix in 852 (Location):  changed from Not repeatable (NR) to Repeatable (R)

$m  Call number suffix in 852 (Location):  changed from Not repeatable (NR) to Repeatable (R)

See also:

Appendix F:  Format Change Lists
