Number Structure:  (027 Standard Technical Report Number - Input Conventions)

The International Standard Technical Report Number (ISRN) is formulated according to International Standard Technical Report Number (ISRN) (ISO 10444) or Standard Technical Report Number Format and Creation (ANSI/NISO Z39.23-1997).  It is composed of three parts:

1.   a report code of alphanumeric characters that designate the issuing organization and, in some cases, a series;

2.   a sequential group of numeric characters assigned by the issuing organization; and,

3.   an optional addition that includes a country code and local suffix provided by the issuing organization.

The report code and sequential group are separated by a double hyphen ( -- ).  The country code is preceded by a double hyphen ( -- ) and the local suffix by a plus sign ( + ).  Slashes ( / ) and single hyphens ( - ) may be used as subdividers within the report code and within the sequential group.  These marks are carried in the MARC record.


027  ##  $aFYHU/PF/2--80/12+MAGN

027  ##  $aWBK-MTT--89/64--DE

The Standard Technical Report Number (STRN) is an agency-assigned data element that is formulated according to Standard Technical Report Number (STRN), Format and Creation (ANSI Z39.23-1983).  It is composed of three parts:

1.   a report code of alphanumeric characters that designate the issuing organization and, in some cases, a series;

2.   a sequential group of numeric characters assigned by the issuing organization; and,

3.   an optional local suffix in which the issuing organization may place additional information.

The report code and sequential group are separated by a single hyphen ( - ) and the sequential group and local suffix are separated by an ampersand ( & ) or a plus sign ( + ).  Slashes ( / ) may be used as subdividers within the report code and within the sequential group.  These marks are carried in the MARC record.


027  ##  $aMETPRO/ED/SR-77/035

To return, select:

027  Standard Technical Report Number