852 Subfield $8 - Sequence number:

Subfield $8 contains data that sequences related holdings records.  The sequence number is a variable-length whole number which controls the display and processing sequencing of multiple related holdings records that contain identical 852 subfields $a, $b and $t.

Local systems may add decimal numbers if desired for insertions in an existing sequence.  This subfield does not order fields within a record, but locations in separate holdings records.

Subfield $8 (Sequence number) is always the first subfield in the field.


Holdings record #1:

852  0#  $81$a[location identifier]$hcall no.

866  31  $80$a1 v.

[Record for basic bibliographic unit at the first location.]

Holdings record #2:

844  ##  $aTeacher's guide

852  0#  $82$a[location identifier 1]$hcall no.

854  00  $81$apt.

864  30  $81.1$aA-B

[Record for supplement at the first location; sequence of records for display specified in subfield $8.]

Holdings record #3:

852  0#  $81$a[location identifier 2]$hcall no.

866  31  $80$a1 v.

[Record for basic bibliographic unit at second location.]

Holdings record #4:

844  ##  $aTeacher's guide

852  0#  $82$a[location identifier 2]$hcall no.

854  00  $81$apt.

864  30  $81.1$aA-B

[Record for supplement at second location.]

Sequence numbers 1 and 2 provide a display sequence for related holdings records that have identical locations recorded in field 852 subfields $a and $h to produce the following display:

[location identifier 1] call no. -- 1 v. + "Teacher's guide" pt. A-B

[location identifier 2] call no. -- 1 v. + "Teacher's guide" pt. A-B

To return, select:

852  Location