863-865 Subfield $a - First level of enumeration:

Subfield $a contains the highest level of enumeration.  The designation for an unnumbered (for example, new ser.) or a numbered (for example, ser. 5) series is considered caption data and is contained in subfield $a (First level of enumeration) of the related 853-855 Captions and Pattern field.


855  ##  $81$a(year)$wa

865  4#  $81.1$a1918$osubject index

865  4#  $81.2$a1919$osubject index

865  4#  $81.3$a1920$osubject index

865  4#  $81.4$a1921$osubject index

[Holdings consist of indexes for the years 1918-1921.]

853  01  $81$av.

853  01  $82$anew ser.:v.

863  40  $81.1$a1-25

863  40  $82.1$a1-12

[Holdings consist of v. 1-25 and new series v. 1-12.]

853  01  $81$aser.5:v.$i(year)

863  40  $81.1$a24-33$i1969-1978

[Holdings consist of series 5, v. 24-33, 1969-1978.]

When the enumeration consists of the number of units held followed by a term describing the units, the whole phrase is contained in the related 863-865 subfield.


853  03  $81$a(unit)

863  #1  $81.1$a1 score

853  03  $81$a(unit)

863  31  $81.1$aca. 1000 items

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