Names Consisting of Initials/Letters:

If a name consists entirely of initials, make a reference from the inverted form alone (not a name-title reference), beginning with the last initial. If the heading contains as a parenthetical addition the full form of the name for which the initials stand (cf. 22.18A), add the parenthetical addition in the reference as well. (Do not invert the name used in the addition.)

Note that for names consisting entirely of initials of separate letters that are presumed not to be initials, a single space is left between the initials/letters in all cases (cf. LCRI 22.1B.).

Example A

For purposes of filing and machine searching in LC, initials/letters separated by a space, a period, or a combination of a period-space are treated as a series of words; letters not separated by a period or a space or a space or a combination of a period-space are treated as a single word. Therefore, for names consisting entirely of initials or entirely of separate letters, make, in addition to other references, one from the "closed up" form, i.e., the form without periods or spaces.

Example B

For references in a form other than the "closed up" form, use periods or not, depending on whether they are used in the heading.

Example C

See also:

22. Persons