Note that the applications of the basic provisions of this rule often results in a form of name for a person of nobility that is not the form most commonly found in the chief sources of information of that person’s works. The first and second sentences of the rule apply the basic provisions of 22.1A-B to nobility. Therefore, the Duke of Wellington whose personal name was Arthur Wellesley is entered under the proper name of the title, i.e., "Wellington." The third sentence gives instruction for formulating the name: follow the proper name in the title by the person’s personal name in direct order and follow the personal name by the term of rank. Application of this rule to the Duke of Wellington results in the heading. "Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of" despite the fact that "Duke of Wellington" is the form of name by which he is commonly known under the provisions of 22.1A-B.

Apply 22.6 to persons of nobility who are known primarily as authors and who use on their works only a term of rank and their title without forenames.

Example A

Apply the directive "excluding unused forenames" as follows: If the person of nobility is known primarily as an author, use in the heading the forenames most commonly found in the chief sources or if the person is not primarily known as an author, consult reference sources. If reference sources vary, use the least number of forenames commonly found.

If the person known primarily as an author is entered under his or her title of nobility and the statement of responsibility on the author’s works consists of the person’s term of rank and title without forenames, make a reference from the title and term. (Do not apply the technique specified in LCRI 22.18A. of adding other names in parentheses after the title in the reference.)

Example B

See also:

22. Persons