Minor Changes of Name:

In the absence of explicit evidence that a true name change has taken place, consider that different usages found in publications are variants of one another, rather than true name changes-whenever the difference is a minor one defined as follows:

A difference is minor if the existing heading and the name in the publication being cataloged differ only in one or more of the ways below.

1. the representation of words (abbreviation, acronym, initialism, or symbol and the spelled out form; two different spellings of the same word; a word in the form of a single word and in the form of a compound);

2. a change in a preposition, article, or conjunction;

3. change in punctuation.

N.B. For headings satisfying these conditions, if the heading has already been treated as a name change, however, with multiple headings in use consequently, do not collapse these into one heading, unless there is additional, explicit evidence that only variant names are involved.

Proposed Bodies:

If a heading is needed for a proposed body, use the name found in the available sources. If the body is actually established later and the established name differs from the proposed name, use the established name in the heading and treat the proposed name as a variant form.

University Libraries Names for Persons:

Universities of North America frequently have main library buildings named in honor of someone, e.g., "The Joseph S. Regenstein Library of the University of Chicago," while the library complex itself is called by a generic term instead of the honorific, e.g., "The Libraries of the University of Chicago." When the distinction between the building’s name and the library’s name can be made in this way, use the library’s name as the basis for the heading even if it can be found only off the chief source or outside the item. Limit research, however, to the most obvious reference sources.




See also:

24. Headings for Corporate Bodies