Treaties, Etc.:

Conditions under which a heading for a treaty, etc., is connected to another heading (not always to a heading for another treaty, etc.) by a simple see also reference.

1. From the original treaty, etc., to the revised treaty, etc. If a treaty, etc., is a revision of an earlier one (see 21.35E2), connect the headings by a see also reference, leading from the original treaty, etc., to the treaty, etc., revised

Example A

2. From preliminary/provisional treaty, etc., to the final/definitive treaty, etc. If a treaty, etc., is preceded by a preliminary or provisional treaty, etc., connect the headings by a see also reference, leading from the preliminary/provisional treaty, etc., to the final/definitive treaty, etc.

Example B

3. From collective name of several treaties, etc., to single treaties, etc., within the collection. If several treaties, etc. (regardless of the number of signatories), have become known by a collective name (e.g., Treaty of Utrecht, Peace of Westphalia, Panama Canal Treaties) make see also references from the collective name of the collection to the headings of the single treaties in the Library’s collections.

Example C

4. From heading of a conference to the treaty, etc., if the treaty, etc., is the result of an international conference; or from an international intergovernmental body, if the meeting is unnamed or the treaty, etc., is one between member countries within an international intergovernmental body. If a treaty, etc., is the result of an international conference, make a see also reference leading from the heading for the conference to the heading for the treaty, etc. If the conference is unnamed, make the see also reference from the body holding the meeting. If the treaty, etc., is one contracted between the member countries within an international intergovernmental body, make the see also reference leading from the body to the treaty, etc.

Example D

See also:

26.4. Uniform Titles