26.5A. Examples - Variations in title proper that are not major changes:

130 #0 $a Veröffentlichungen des Kölnischen Geschichtsvereins e.V.

430 #0 $a Veröffentlichung des Kölnischen Geschichtsvereins e.V.

(later issue had title: Veröffentlichung des Kölnischen Geschichtsvereins e.V.; singular/plural change isn't a major change)

130 #0 $a Bulletin (Southern Humanities Conference)

430 #0 $a Bulletin of the Southern Humanities Conference

(later issues had title: Bulletin of the Southern Humanities Conference; same body's name added to or subtracted from the title isn't a major change)

130 #0 $a Wiley series in psychology of crime, policing, and law

430 #0 $a Wiley series in the psychology of crime, policing, and law

(later issue had title: Wiley series in the psychology of crime, policing, and law; addition/omission of article isn't a major change)

130 #0 $a Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi yay§nlar§. $p Döner sermaye yay§nlar§

430 #0 $a Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi yay§nlar§. $p AÜHF döner sermaye yay§nlar§

(later issue had title: Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi yay§nlar§. AÜHF döner sermaye yay§nlar§; addition of body's initialism isn't a major change)


430 #0 $a Bibliofil´skie redkosti

(addition/deletion of type of resource isn't a major change)

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Type 4. Variations in title proper that are not title changes of 26.5A. (Series) Types of See References