1B1. The title proper is the first element of the description. Indicate in a note the source of the title proper if it is other than the title page. Transcribe the title proper exactly as to wording, order, and spelling, but not necessarily as to punctuation and capitalization. Give accentuation and other diacritical marks that are present in the chief source of information (see also 0H). Capitalize according to AACR 2, 1988 revision, Appendix A.

1B1. Example 1

If the title proper as given in the chief source of information includes symbols that cannot be reproduced by the typographic facilities available, replace them with a cataloger’s description in square brackets. Make an explanatory note if necessary.

1B1. Example 2

1B2. If the title proper includes a statement of responsibility or the name of a publisher, etc., and the statement or name is an integral part of the title proper, transcribe it as such.

1B2. Example

1B3. If the title proper consists solely of the name of a person or body responsible for the item, give such a name as the title proper.

1B4. Abridge a long title proper only if this can be done without loss of essential information. Never omit the first five words of the title proper unless the currency of the content is to be omitted according to 1B11.

1B5. If a letter or word appears only once but the design of the chief source of information makes it clear that it is intended to be read more than once, repeat the letter or word without the use of square brackets.

1B6. If a title proper includes separate letters or initials without periods between them, transcribe such letters without spaces between them. In cases of personal name initials presented in a source without periods, insert a period after each letter.

1B7. Supply a title proper for an item lacking the prescribed chief source of information from the rest of the item, or a reference source, or elsewhere. If no title can be found in any source, devise a brief descriptive title. Enclose such a supplied or devised title in square brackets.

1B8. If the chief source of information bears titles in two or more languages or scripts, transcribe as the title proper the one in the language or script of the text if this is obvious. If this criterion is not applicable, choose the title proper by reference to the order of titles on, or the layout of the chief source of information. Record the other titles as parallel titles (see 1D).

1B9. If the title proper for an item that is supplementary to, a section of, or subordinate to, another publication appears in two or more parts not grammatically linked, record the title of the main work first, followed by the title(s) of the supplementary item(s) or section(s) in order of their dependence. Separate the parts of the title proper by periods.

1B9. Example

1B10. Title on replacement title page differs from earlier title(s)

If a replacement title page has a title that differs from the original or earlier ones, transcribe the latest title proper in the title and statement or responsibility area. Transcribe in the note area any variations or changes in title known to have occurred previously.

1B10. Example

1B11. Statement of currency of content included in title proper

When the title proper includes a statement of currency of content, do not transcribe the date as part of the title proper. Indicate the omission by the mark of omission. Make an appropriate note regarding the omission.

1B11. Example

See also:

1. Title and Statement of Responsibility Area