1G1. If, in a publication lacking a collective title, one work is the predominant part, treat the title of that work as the title proper and name the other parts in a note (see 7B18)

1G2. If, in a publication lacking a collective title, no one work predominates, describe the publication as a unit (see 1G3 below).

1G3. If describing the publication as a unit, transcribe the titles of the individually titled works in the order in which they are named in the chief source of information or, if there is no single chief source of information, in the order in which they appear in the publication, treating multiple sources of information as if they were one source.

Separate the titles of the works by semicolons if the works are all by the same person(s) or emanate from the same body (bodies), even if the titles are linked by a connecting word or phrase. Follow the title of each work by its parallel title(s) and other title information. If the individual works are by different persons or emanate from different bodies, or in case of doubt, follow the title of each work by its parallel title(s), other title information, and statement(s) of responsibility. Separate the groups of data with a period followed by one space.

Make the relationship between statements of responsibility and titles clear by additions, as instructed in 1F8.

1G4. If, in a publication lacking a collective title, more than one (but not all) of the separately titled works predominate, treat the predominant works as instructed in 1G3 and name other parts in contents notes (see 7B18).

See also:

1. Title and Statement of Responsibility Area