6J1. The information relating to one series, or series and subseries, constitutes one series statement. If a publication belongs to two or more series and/or two or more series and subseries, give separate series statements and enclose each statement in parentheses. Follow the instructions in 6A-6H in recording each series statement. If the criterion applies, give the more specific series first.

If some parts of a multipart publication are published in one series and other parts are published in another series, i.e., precede each series title with an indication of the particular parts or issues to which the series titles apply. (If a monographic series has changed its title (see AACR 2, 1988 revision, rule 21.2), treat each title as a separate series; for multipart monographs, see rule 21.3A.)

If all parts or issues appear in one series and some of the parts or issues appear also in another series, precede the second series title with an indication of the particular parts or issues applicable to that title.

In the two situations listed above, if any series is classified as a collection, include its call number in the appropriate series statement (unless the same call number applies to all the series given).

If some of the parts of a multipart item appear in a series but other parts or issues do not, precede the series title with an indication of the particular parts that are applicable to the series. If the series is classified as a collection, include its call number in the series statement.

If parts of an item belong to different series and this relationship cannot be stated clearly in the series area, give details of the series in a note.

See also:

6. Series Area