In citing another edition of the same work, give enough information to identify the edition cited.

Revision of: Rev. ed., 1973-1981

If the work being cited is entered under a name heading that differs from the main entry heading on the work being cataloged and the difference is not apparent from information given in the body of the entry, add the name after the title (uniform title or title proper) and a space-slash-space.

When a revised edition (other than a revised translation of a work) is being cataloged and

it has a different title from that of the previous edition, or

it has a different choice of entry from that of the previous edition (for reasons other than the change to AACR 2),

link the new edition with the immediately preceding edition by using AACR 2 style for connecting notes on both AACR 2 and non-AACR 2 records.

1) Title change only. If the title has changed since the previous edition but the choice of main entry remains the same, make a note on the record for the later edition to link it to the earlier edition. Also make a related work added entry on the record for the later edition to link it to the earlier edition, unless because of the addition of a uniform title, these two are identical. Add neither the note nor the added entry to the record for the earlier edition. Always make the added entry on the record for the later edition according to the AACR 2 choice of entry and form of heading, as well as the AACR 2 form of the title proper or uniform title. (Note that the phrase "choice of main entry remains the same" means that both editions, if cataloged according to AACR 2, would have the same choice of main entry.)

The following pattern is suggested for the note:

for the new edition: Rev/ [updated, etc.] ed. of: [Title proper. Edition statement. Date]

2) Choice of entry change. If the choice of main entry has changed since the previous edition, make a note on the record for the later edition to link it to the previous edition. Also, make a related work added entry on the record for the later edition to link it to the earlier edition. Always make the added entry in the record for the later edition according to the correct AACR 2 choice of entry and form of heading, as well as form of title proper or uniform title (see LCRI 21.30G).

Use the form of note suggested under 1) above, regardless of whether the title changes or remains the same, and add the first statement of responsibility.

Note that if the new edition has a different choice of entry solely because of the change in cataloging rules (i.e., the earlier edition, if recataloged according to AACR 2, would also have the same choice of entry), do not make a note or an added entry in the record for the new edition.

See also:

7A. Preliminary Rule