Additions to the Call Number:

Filing Location Indicators - Vault:

Add the word Vault as the final element of the call number for materials that are to be housed in the vault unless the material is filed as part of a collection. The word Vault serves as a filing location identifier, indicating that materials are filed separately from the general collection. Example:

Items stored on a shelf in the vault receive the location indicator Vault Shelf.

Items stored in the oversize cases in the vault receive the location indicator Vault Oversize.

Vault Collections;

A code is added as the final element of the call number for items which form part of a group of materials filed as a collection. The code serves as the location identifier, indicating that the materials are filed separately from the general vault collection.

A collection code takes precedence over the word Vault.

For numbered collections the code is followed by the number of the item within the collection.

Vault collections and codes:

The cloth map collection includes only items printed on cloth. It does not include manuscript maps drawn on cloth.

These special collections are all filed separately. Within an unnumbered collection (e.g., the cloth map collection, the Virginia-District of Columbia Boundary Commission collection, etc.) items are arranged by classification. Numbered collections may be classified as a collection or separately, but all items are arranged by collection number.