As a general policy, less-than-full level bibliographic records are not upgraded to full level cataloging records without the prior approval of the Head of the Technical Services Section. If such approval is received, the upgrading must be done with the item in hand.

When it is discovered that a main entry heading, which was formulated for use in a less-than-full level record, has subsequently been established in a different form, submit corrections for the records using the incorrect form. When corrections for headings, in less-than-full records are made, do not upgrade the item to full level and do not retrieve the item to reevaluate the record for recataloging at full level, simply leave the record as less-than-full.

Similarly, when a main entry heading, which was formulated for use in a less-than-full level record, is subsequently established in the same for, do not upgrade the record to full-level and do not retrieve the map to reevaluate the record for recataloging at the full-level, simply leave the record as less-than-full.

See also:

Appendix B. Less-Than-Full Level Cataloging