The use of a non-established heading as the main entry must be compatible with established procedures. (1) First search the name authority file. If no name authority record (NAR) is found, search the online bibliographic files to ascertain whether the name has been used in a record. If the heading is specified as AACR2 on an NAR or is used on an AACR2 record, use the heading in the form found. If there is no NAR for the heading or the heading is found only on a pre-AACR2 record in the online catalog; or the heading is not found in a bibliographic record in the online catalog, formulate the AACR2 heading for use in the record "... based on the information from the item in hand or discovered in the course of normal bibliographic searching." (2) References sources normally consulted in authority work are not to be used in formulating less-than-full headings except to resolve conflicts that cannot be resolved from the item in hand. Conflicts are identified and resolved according to existing guidelines.

For government headings in multi-lingual countries, do sufficient searching in the online catalog to find the heading in the official language of the country. If the heading cannot be found, use the form in the item begin cataloged. For example, for an Algerian item, search the online file for the Arabic form, if that form cannot be found, formulate the heading without consulting references sources or language experts.

If the non-established heading appears in various forms on the item, select and use the form that would normally be selected for use as the heading on the NAR.

If searching the online file reveals a pattern of high activity for a particular person or corporate body (e.g., the formulated heading is used as a non-established main entry for several different record) catalogers have the option of establishing the name to facilitate future availability or full-level cataloging.

See also:

Appendix B. Less-Than-Full Level Cataloging