Series statements for less-than-full records are searched in the online catalog in both the names and bibliographic files.

When it comes to the attention of the cataloger that the series treatment in existing less-than-full cataloging records does not conform with current guidelines, the cataloger is to initiate a change request to correct the record.

Series Established:

If the series is identified as a traced series on the series authority record (SAR) and the form of the series statement matches the established form, content designate the series as traced the same (tag 440).

If the series is identified as a traced series on the SAR and the form in the series statement does not match the established form, content designate the series statement as a series traced differently (tag 490 1) and make the apporpiate series tracing (8xx tags) in accordance with the SAR.

If the series is identified as an untraced series on the SAR the series statement in the bibliographic record is content designated as untraced (tag 490 0).

Series Not Established:

If the series is not found in a bibliographic record in the online file, record the series statement in normal AACR2 form based on the item and content designate the series statement as an untraced series (tag 490 0).

If the series is found only in one or more pre-AACR2 records in the online file:

transcribe the series statement in normal AACR2 form;

follow pre-AACR2 practice in terms of whether or not a series tracing is included (without reevaluating the tracing practice under AACR2);

determine the content designation by comparing compatible series statements with the extant pre-AACR2 traced form (tag 440 if the same; tag 490 1 if different);

if the series statement is content designated 490 1 and an explicit 8xx tracing is required, transcribe it in the pre-AACR2 form.

If the series is found in one or more full-level AACR2 records but an SAR is not found create an SAR according to current practice and follow the treatment specified by the SAR in the bibliographic record for the less-than-full item.

See also:

Appendix B. Less-Than-Full Level Cataloging