
Normally the longitude coordinates conform to the following guidelines:

if the first longitude is W, then the second can be either W or E but if it is W then the first longitude must be larger than the second;

if the first longitude is E, then the second must be E and the first longitude must be smaller than the second.

Exception: When the map crosses the international date line, the first longitude will be E and the second will be W.

The latitude coordinates conform to the following guidelines:

if the first latitude is N, then the second can be either N or S but if it is N then the first latitude must be larger than the second;

if the first latitude is S, then the second must be S and the first latitude must be smaller than the second.


All symbols used in recording coordinate information are special/escape characters. In addition, in the scale equivalency statements the symbols for inch(es) and foot(feet) are also special/escape character.

Symbol Name


Character Name



Superscript zero


Miagkii znak/Prime


Tverdyii znak


Tverdyii znak


Miagkii znak/Prime

See also:

Appendix E. Content Designation