Contents Notes - Location Map:

Subsidiary or ancillary maps with the purpose of location, within the context of its surroundings, the are being mapped are called location maps. The surrounding area depicted may be as large as the world, or as small as a county, township, etc.

A location map generally contains very little detail. A subsidiary map which shows, in some detail, both the area being mapped and the surrounding territory is better described as an area map or regional map.

A location map or an outline map showing the coverage, which appears as an integral part of a panel title, cover title, or other title area, may either by mentioned in the bibliographic description or ignored. The decision to include such a map or diagram in a contents note depends on various factors (e.g., style, typography, quality, importance to the title design, etc.).

Location maps or coverage diagrams on a map cover that would otherwise be discarded are not mentioned unless of very high quality, since their inclusion in the bibliographic description or ignored. The decision to include such a map or diagram in a contents note depends on various factors (e.g., style, typography, quality, importance to the title design, etc.).

Location maps or coverage diagrams on a map cover that would otherwise be discarded are not mentioned unless of very high quality, since their inclusion in the bibliographic description necessitates retaining and filing the cover.