AACR2 defines photocopy as "a macroform photoreproduction produces directly on opaque material by radiant energy through contact or projection." (3)

In general, treat all photocopies of cartographic items as either originals or surrogates for originals. Under this policy, photocopies are considered separate items in their own right and are described following the general rules for cartographic materials.

However, since the photoreproduction process entails a direct transfer of bibliographic details (e.g., title, edition statement, publication information, etc.) from a master or original, the photocopy invariably reflects the original, except, in some instances, physical characteristics (e.g., scale, dimensions, etc.) that may vary from the original due to reduction or enlargement during reproduction. Any additional information or conflicting bibliographic details are transcribed in a note.

Photocopies of items extant in the collections, including those actually reproduced from LC’s copy, do not generally receive a separate bibliographic description but are filed with the original.

However, when a newly received photocopy is significantly different from the original in the collections, a separate bibliographic description is created. In addition, if a photocopy in the collections has a bibliographic description and the original is subsequently acquired, the photocopy is retained and the original receives a separate bibliographic description.

Mathematical Data Area:

Since the scale of an item directly affects its use and since the scale of a photocopy may differ form that of the original, due to reduction or enlargement, any scale statement on the item should be verified (e.g., by measuring a bar scale, using degrees of latitude, etc.) whenever possible.

As with other types of items, no searching is done to determine the scale if it is not stated, but., if the scale statement reproduced from the original or stated in accompanying material is found to be inaccurate for the photocopy that information is quoted as negative additional scale information. Example:

Physical Description:

The generic term photocopy(ies) is used for all macroform hard copy maps "produced directly on opaque material by radiant energy through contact or projection." The physical description contains no information as to the type of photocopy (e.g., transfer line prints, ozalids, xeroxes, glossy photographs, photostats, etc.). Measurements for a photocopy are made in the same manner as for any other item.

If details about the physical description of the original are discovered in accompanying material or through normal cataloging procedures, the information is included as a note.


Physical Description


See also:
