
Publication, Distribution, Etc. Area:

When the facsimile contains details of reproduction, republication, distribution, etc. relating to the reproduction as well as details of publication, distribution, etc. relating to the original, transcribe the data relating to aspects of reproduction or republication in the publication, distribution, etc. area and transcribe details relating to the original in the appropriate location within the "original version" note (tag 534).

When the facsimile contains only details of reproduction, republication, distribution, etc. relating to the reproduction transcribe the details in the publication, distribution, etc. area and/or in a separate details of reproduction, publication note as appropriate.

When the facsimile contains only details of publication, distribution, etc. relating to the original, transcribe such details in the appropriate location within the "original version" note (tag 534).

In addition, if it is determined that the facsimile was reproduced or republished in multiple copies for general sale or distribution, supply the details of reproduction or republication in the publication, distribution, etc. area of the body of the entry, using the S.l. and s.n. conventions as necessary. But if it is determined that the facsimile was reproduced in limited numbers or single copies for a specific purpose and was not reproduced for general sale or distribution, include only the date of reproduction or manufacture in the publication, distribution, etc. area and transcribe other details relating to the reproduction process), if known, in a separate details of reproduction, republication note.