
Publication Information:

Whenever possible, information relating to the publication of the original is included and transcribed in a structured publication, distribution, etc. area format.

If any single element of publication, distribution, etc. area information (e.g., place, publisher, or date) is transcribed, then all applicable elements of the publication, distribution, etc. area details are transcribed in the "original version" note (tag 534). Examples:

If the date of a manuscript original is already included in the original title, or the title of the facsimile, the publication, distribution, etc. area is omitted from the "original version" note (tag 534). Example:

If the date information in the call number is justified solely by an estimated date of publication for the original, the date of publication must be transcribed in the publication, distribution, etc. area of the "original version" note (tag 534). Example:

If the original work is "from" an atlas and the publication details for the original are inferred from the publication data of the atlas, the publication, distribution, etc. area details for the atlas may be omitted from the citation. Example:

However, if there is any explicit discrepancy between the respective publication details, or, if there is any doubt that they are the same, (e.g., if the map simply appears in an atlas), the publication details for the atlas citation are retained.