

Since the reprint status of an item may be indicated in many ways in the bibliographic description, a note is not automatically included to identify a "reprint" map.

When a "reprint" map incorporate changes form the earlier issue and there is no formal reprint statement that can be used as an edition statement, any printing code that appears on the work is quoted as a note.

When a "reprint" map incorporate changes from an earlier issue and there is neither a formal reprint statement nor a printing code that can be quoted, a note is created to denote the map’s status, and to justify the dates in the publication, distribution, etc. area and/or call number. This type of note often takes the form of a special type of differs from note. Example:

For items treated as formally published facsimile-type reprints that have been reissued after a substantial period of time, include a note to justify the item’s status as a reprint rather than a facsimile. Example:

Alternatively, indicate the reprint status of a facsimile-type reprint in an informal note with the details relating to the original publication in an "original version" note (tag 534). Example:

For items reissued or republished after a lesser period of time, use a less formal republication note. Example:

or a more general descriptive note. Example: