A label file consists of a sequence of fields. Fields have a maximum length of 80 characters. Each field in a label file begins with a three-character tag identifying the field. The tag is followed by two blanks (ASCII character 20(hex)). The field's data content follows the two blanks. Each field ends with a number sign "#" (ASCII character 23(hex)) and a carriage return (ASCII character OD(hex)) or carriage return/line feed (ASCII characters OD(hex) OA(hex)), dependent on operating systems and subject to the agreement between originating and receiving systems. The 80 character maximum length of the field includes the three-character tag, the two blanks, the data content, the number sign, and the carriage return or carriage return/line feed. This results in a text string that is easily displayed on a monitor or printed out.

Certain fields in the label files are specified as mandatory and must be present in each label file. In these fields, data content or one fill character (the vertical bar | (ASCII character 7C(hex))), must be supplied. Mandatory or optional characteristics of the fields are noted in Diskette Volume Labels - Tags/Fields and Diskette File Labels - Tags/Fields.

Several of the fields are repeatable when either of the following two conditions exist:

1. the data content exceeds the space available in the field (73 characters between the blank space and number sign); or,

2. for eye readability, the sections of the data are moved to a new line.

In each case, the three-character tag and two blank spaces are repeated.

See also:

Diskette Volume Labels - Tags/Fields

Diskette File Labels - Tags/Fields

To return, select:

Part 2: Diskette Transfer (Exchange Media)

Exchange Media