The information in this appendix was provided by the Policy and Standards Division, Library of Congress in December 2003.


When doing authority work, NACO libraries are asked to notify LC of any BFM stimulated by certain categories of authority work (see the guidelines at  Since the LC bibliographic records are not being observed directly in the catalog at LC but instead indirectly through other databases, it is necessary to provide guidance to NACO libraries on how to identify LC bibliographic records that are candidates for BFM.  These include both "current" records (LC bibliographic records that have been input/imported and issued by LC) and retrospective records (LC bibliographic records that have been input by libraries other than LC).  The phrase "LC cataloging" is used to refer to the following categories of cataloging:

1)   cataloging done by LC itself (original cataloging);

2)   cataloging done by LC that has been input by libraries other than LC;

3)   cataloging done by other agencies at the "LC level" and issued/distributed by LC (some done under the Program for Cooperative Cataloging; that done under the National Coordinated Cataloging Program; older cooperative cataloging; CONSER (certain levels of authentication));

4)   LC copy cataloging (LC use of cataloging done by other libraries).

Note that because of OCLC's merge process, the iteration of a record for LC cataloging residing in the OCLC database may not equate, data element for data element, to the iteration of the same record residing in the LC catalog.  For example, the former may contain call numbers and subject headings from classification and subject heading systems not used by LC.

Over the years LC has engaged in many cataloging programs, and it is thus impossible to define the LC catalog by a succinct and easily followed formula.  In defining that catalog as a subset of the OCLC database, different approaches for monographs and serials are required.  For monographs, it is necessary to key on the values in the cataloging source (MARC 21 008/39).  For serials, the key is in the codes in the 042 field and the code for language of cataloging in $b of field 040.


The cataloging source fixed field contains four values indicating cataloging source as follows:

# - National bibliographic agency

c - Cooperative cataloging program

d - Other

u - Unknown

When the cataloging source is "#," other clues are needed to distinguish LC cataloging from that of other national bibliographic agencies.  When the cataloging source is "c," cataloging done up until 1996 can be assumed to be LC-related cataloging, i.e., there are records in LC’s catalog that are candidates for BFM.  Beginning in 1996, cataloging done with cataloging source "c" requires other clues to determine if the record resides in LC’s catalog.  When the cataloging source is "d," other clues are needed to determine if the record resides in LC’s catalog.  Ignore records containing cataloging source "u."

a.   Cataloging source is "#."  When cataloging source is "#," any record containing "DLC" or any of its permutations (slash, hyphen) in any subfield of field 040, either alone or in combination with another library's MARC Organization code, is a candidate for BFM.  Some examples:

040 ## $a DLC

040 ## $a DLC-R  [code used for input via RLIN21]

040 ## $a DLC/ICU

040 ## $a IU/DLC

040 ## $a DNLM/DLC  [beginning summer of 2000- ]

b.   Cataloging source is "c."  When cataloging source is "c," cataloging done prior to 1996 is LC-related and the record is a candidate for BFM.  Older cataloging contains the name of a library or the name of a library followed by "/ICU" in $a of field 040.  LC had cooperative programs with both the National Library of Medicine and the Government Printing Office that used cataloging source "c."  From 1983 through 1987 LC had various collaborative programs with Harvard, the University of Chicago, and the University of Illinois.  040 $a illustrates these conditions as follows:

040 ## $a [Name of library]

040 ## $a [Name of library]/ICU

040 ## $a DNLM/DLC  [until summer of 2000]

040 ## $a DGPO/DLC  [until December 2002]

040 ## $a MH

040 ## $a ICU

040 ## $a IU

040 ## $a IU/DLC

In 1988-1996 cataloging source value "c" was used to indicate records created through the National Coordinated Cataloging Program.  The libraries in that program worked directly in LC’s system; therefore, those records reside in LC’s catalog regardless of whether LC has used them or not, and they are candidates for BFM.  In December of 1991 the 042 code "lcnccp" began to be used to identify the records in this program.  040 the a subfields containing MARC Organization codes for these libraries are as follows:

040 ## $a CtY

040 ## $a CU
[University of California at Berkeley]

040 ## $a ICU
[University of Chicago]

040 ## $a InU
[Indiana University]

040 ## $a IU
[University of Illinois]

040 ## $a MH

040 ## $a MiU
[University of Michigan]

040 ## $a MoSU-L
[Saint Louis University School of Law]

040 ## $a TxU
[University of Texas]

040 ## $a  DLC/UPL
[NCCP library working in LC system upgrades LC in-process or MLC record; "UPL" = code of upgrading library]

The Program for Cooperative Cataloging began in 1996.  These records can be identified by the code "pcc" in field 042.  LC use of these records is indicated by the presence of DLC in a $d in field 040; these LC-used records are candidates for BFM.

040 ## $a [MARC code] $c [MARC code] $d DLC [Library of Congress]

042 ## $a pcc

c.   Cataloging source is "d."  LC use of records created by other libraries is indicated by codes in field 042 as follows; these LC-used records are candidates for BFM:

040 ## $a [MARC code] $c [MARC code] $d DLC [Library of Congress]

042 ## $a lccopycat

042 ## $a lccopycat-nm

042 ## $a lcderive

Note that multiple codes can appear in this field, e.g.:

042 ## $a lcode $a lccopycat


All records with an 042 field are candidates for BFM except

1)   those containing solely an "x" code in 042 (e.g., "xlc");

2)   those with 040 $b = fre.

See also:

Section III:  Appendices