G 53  Determining the Call Number

G 55  Call Numbers

G 58  Interpreting the Classification Schedules

G 63  Cutter Numbers

1.  Find the filing position in the shelflist

2.  Cuttering for words

3.  Cuttering for numerals

G 65  Preferred Shelflist Order

G 70  Input of LC Call Numbers / Copy Statements (050/051 Fields)

1.  050 00 Library of Congress Call Number

2.  051 Library of Congress Copy, Issue, Offprint Statement

3.  Placement of the delimiter indicating subfield $b

4.  CS71

5.  No Cutter number

6.  Volume numbering

7.  Alternate numbers

G 100  Filing Rules

G 140  Dates

G 145  Editions

G 150  Translations

G 155  Supplementary Works

G 220  Corporate Bodies

G 230  Conferences, Congresses, Meetings, Etc.

G 240  Societies

G 300  Regions and Countries Table

G 302  U.S. States and Canadian Provinces

G 320  Biography

G 330  Artists

G 340  Criticism / Commentaries

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