The following documents the changes contained in the fifth update to the 1999 edition of MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.  Update No. 5 (October 2004) includes changes resulting from proposals that were considered by the MARC 21 community during 2004.

New content designators:


031  Musical Incipits Information

258  Philatelic Issue Data


017  Copyright or Legal Deposit Number - 2nd indicator (Display constant controller):  values # (Copyright or legal deposit number) and 8 (No display constant controller generated)

541  Immediate Source of Acquisition Note - 1st indicator (Privacy):  values # (No information provided); 0 (Private); and 1 (Not private)

561  Ownership and Custodial History - 1st indicator (Privacy):  values # (No information provided); 0 (Private); and 1 (Not private)

583  Action Note - 1st indicator (Privacy):  values # (No information provided); 0 (Private); and 1 (Not private)

Subfield codes

$d  Date in 017 (Copyright or Legal Deposit Number)

$i  Display text in 017 (Copyright or Legal Deposit Number)


Subfield $8 - Field link and sequence number:  codes a (Action) and x (General sequencing)

Changes in content designator names:

Indicator values

1st indicator (National bibliographic agency) in 016 (National Bibliographic Agency Control Number):  Value # (National Library of Canada Library and Archives Canada)

1st indicator (Existence in LAC collection) in 055 (Classification Numbers Assigned in Canada):  all references to NLC changed to LAC

2nd indicator (Type, completeness, source of class/call number) in 055 (Classification Numbers Assigned in Canada):  all references to NLC changed to LAC

Subfield code

$a  in 017 (Copyright or Legal Deposit Number):  Copyright registration or legal deposit number

Changes in repeatability:

Subfield codes

$e  Place of manufacture in 260 (Publication, Distribution, Etc. (Imprint)):  changed from Not repeatable (NR) to Repeatable (R)

$f  Manufacturer in 260 (Publication, Distribution, Etc. (Imprint)):  changed from Not repeatable (NR) to Repeatable (R)

$g  Date of manufacture in 260 (Publication, Distribution, Etc. (Imprint)):  changed from Not repeatable (NR) to Repeatable (R)

See also:

Appendix G:  Format Change Lists
