The following documents the changes contained in the seventh update to the 1999 edition of MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.  Update No. 7 (October 2006) includes changes resulting from proposals that were considered by the MARC 21 community during 2006.

New content designators:


047  Form of Musical Composition Code - 2nd indicator (Source of code):  values # (MARC musical composition code) and 7 (Source specified in subfield $2)

506  Restrictions on Access Note - 1st indicator (Restriction):  values # (No information provided), 0 (No restrictions), and 1 (Restrictions apply)

Subfield codes

$f  Standardized terminology for access restriction in 506 (Restrictions on Access Note)

$j  Relator term in 111 (Main Entry - Meeting Name)

$j  Relator term in 611 (Subject Added Entry - Meeting Name)

$j  Relator term in 711 (Added Entry - Meeting Name)

$j  Relator term in 811 (Series Added Entry - Meeting Name)

$r  Distance from earth in 034 (Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data)

$u  Uniform Resource Identifier in 852 (Location)

$x  Beginning date in 034 (Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data)

$y Ending date in 034 (Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data)

$z  Name of extraterrestrial body in 034 (Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data)

$2  Source in 034 (Coded Cartographic Mathematical Data)

$2  Source of code in 047 (Form of Musical Composition Code)

$2  Source of term in 506 (Restrictions on Access Note)

Change in repeatability:


047  Form of Musical Composition Code:  changed from Not repeatable (NR) to Repeatable (R)

See also:

Appendix G:  Format Change Lists
