Tactile material:  Material that is intended to be read by touch.

Field 007 has no indicators or subfield codes; the data elements are positionally defined.  Field 007 for the category of material tactile material currently has ten character positions defined for it.

Validity by material type:  All character positions in 007 for tactile material records are valid for all types.

Record requirements in National-level or Minimal-level records for 007 tactile material:  Optional.  Requirements for the character positions vary.  See the specific character position description.

Character positions in 007 for tactile material:

007/00:  Category of material

007/01:  Specific material designation

007/02:  Undefined

007/03-04:  Class of braille writing

007/05:  Level of contraction

007/06-08:  Braille music format

007/09:  Special physical characteristics

See:  Examples of 007 field for tactile material.

See also:

007  Physical Description Fixed Field