UPC Structure and Display Constants:  (024 Other Standard Identifier - Input Conventions)


The Universal Product Code (UPC) appears as a barcode symbol with 12 digits printed below it.  Hyphens or spaces usually separate the elements of the number on the item.  The code has three basic parts:

1.   The first digit is the Number System Character (NSC) which appears on the left side of the symbol outside of the bars.

2.   The next ten digits encoded in the symbol are shown below the bars.

3.   The twelfth digit is a check digit and usually appears at the bottom right of the symbol.

All digits as found on the piece are input into MARC.

For audio and video products, the ten digits of part (2), printed below the parallel bars, consist of three elements:

1.   a five-digit manufacturer designation to designate the manufacturer assigned by the Uniform Code Council

2.   a five-digit selection number

3.   a single-digit configuration number

The fifth digit of the first element serves as both the last digit of the manufacturer designation and the first digit of the selection number.  The tenth digit (configuration number) indicates the format of the product.

For serials, the five digits after the NSC identify the publisher or distributor.  The next five digits encode a BIPAD title identification number which uniquely identifies each publication.  A two-character supplemental symbol designating a specific issue may follow the number.

For paperback books, there are two bar-coding structures.  The ten digits of part (2) may consist of a five-digit identifier for the publisher and the next five digits contain the title portion of the International Standard Book Number (ISBN).  For the other, the first five digits of part (2) identify the publisher or the bookline, the next five digits represent a cover price or a price category.  Five add-on digits may follow part (3); they are derived from the title portion of the ISBN.

Display constants:

The UPC is carried in the MARC record without the internal hyphens or spaces.  Hyphens, spaces and introductory words may be system generated as display constants associated with first indicator value 1 and the content of subfields $a, $d, and $z.

Content designated field:

024  10  $a070993005955$d35740

[UPC for a paperback book]

Display example:

UPC 0 70993 00595 5 35740

To return, select:

024  Other Standard Identifier