Facsimilist  [fac]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person or organization that executed the facsimile.

UF    Copier

Field director  [fld]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person or organization that manages or supervises the work done to collect raw data or do research in an actual setting or environment (typically applies to the natural and social sciences).

Film director  [fmd]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A director responsible for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Work, Other

Film distributor  [fds]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person, family, or organization involved in distributing a moving image resource to theatres or other distribution channels.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Manifestation, Distributor

Film editor  [flm]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person who, following the script and in creative cooperation with the Director, selects, arranges, and assembles the filmed material, controls the synchronization of picture and sound, and participates in other post-production tasks such as sound mixing and visual effects processing.  Today, picture editing is often performed digitally.

UF    Motion picture editor

Film producer  [fmp]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A producer responsible for most of the business aspects of a film.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Work, Other

Filmmaker  [fmk]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person, family or organization responsible for creating an independent or personal film.  A filmmaker is individually responsible for the conception and execution of all aspects of the film.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Work, Creator

First party  [fpy]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person or organization who is identified as the only party or the party of the first party.  In the case of transfer of rights, this is the assignor, transferor, licensor, grantor, etc.  Multiple parties can be named jointly as the first party.

Forger  [frg]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person or organization who makes or imitates something of value or importance, especially with the intent to defraud.

UF    Copier


Former owner  [fmo]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person, family, or organization formerly having legal possession of an item.

RDA Collections:  Collection, Item, Owner

Funder  [fnd]  Authorities & Vocabularies

A person or organization that furnished financial support for the production of the work.

See also:

Relator Codes - Term Sequence