
0    Not conference publication

1    Conference publication


The conference publication code is used to designate whether an entire serial consists of the proceedings, reports, or summaries of a conference, meeting, or symposium.


Code definitions

0  Not conference publication.

Do not consider the following to be conference publications:

1.   Works composed of or based on a single paper.

2.   "Symposiums in print."

3.   Hearings of legislative bodies.

4.   Courses given in a school (except where the main entry is the name of a meeting).

1  Conference publication.

In general, code "1" is used when the subdivision "Congresses" is used in a subject heading.

Consider the following to be conference publications:

1.   Proceedings, including collections or partial collections of papers (or of contributions, essays, etc., that are based upon papers) presented at a meeting.

2.   A partial collection, defined as a work containing two or more papers (or contributions, essays, etc. that are based upon papers) presented at a meeting or conference.

3.   A collection of preprints of conference papers.

Related fields, etc.

111, 6XX, 7XX

008/29  006/12  (MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data)

See also:


Section E.  MARC 21 Format for Serials as Applied Within CONSER

CONSER Editing Guide:  Contents