DCM Z1:  382  Medium of Performance


Record the medium of performance using terms from the Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus for Music (LCMPT), accessible via Classification Web or LC Linked Data Service, when possible.  Record the medium of performance by applying the instructions at RDA and the associated LC-PCC PSs, and the Music Library Association's "Best Practices" for Using LCMPT" available at:  http://cmc.blog.musiclibraryassoc.org/documents/best-practices-for-usinglcmpt/.  Note that the examples in this last document are formatted as bibliographic record fields, with a second indicator value of “1”; in authority records, the second indicator should be left blank.

NOTE:  The 382 field may also be used in authority records for expressions.


If the vocabulary source differs, repeat the field.  If considered important for identification and access, provide an additional 382 that does not apply these guidelines.

For more information on DCM Z1 Instructions, select:

DCM Z1:  Introduction